


The Craftsmen for Kids Story

Craftsmen for Kids (CFK) started in 2010 in Hebron, Ohio. Since that time, members consist mostly of retirees whose woodworking passion has become a lifeline for Head Start teachers and others serving “at risk children”. The educational, sensory, visual, and fun items we make enhance learning for children. We listen to requests and ask teachers and administrators for suggestions of wooden items benefiting the learning, coordination, socializing and play for children. 

While governmental funds pay for a large portion of funding for Head Start and similar programs, there may not be much left over for the learning tools the centers need to get children ready to thrive in school. 

Craftsmen for Kids creates high quality, hardwood learning tools for Head Start classrooms, shelters for battered women, the nursery at the Ohio women's prison, a camp for seriously ill children, and similar facilities serving at-risk children.

We have made and donated countless quality hardwood learning tools which, saving these programs an overwhelming amount of money if they had purchased the same items from the customary school supply catalogs.  In addition to the learning potential, Head Start programs use the retail value of our educational toys as in-kind donations.

As of 10/25/2024 we have made the following deliveries:

CFK has served the following 43 counties:

Adams/Brown:  Adams & Brown 

HAPCAP:  Athens, Hocking & Perry 

Belmont:  Belmont 

HARTICUS:  Carroll, Harrison & Tuscarawas 

Clinton:  Clinton 

CAAOFCC:  Columbiana & Jefferson

Coshocton:  Coshocton 

OHCAC:  Crawford, Marion, Morrow & Richland 

LEADS:  Delaware, Licking, Union 

Fairfield:  Fairfield 

CAC:  Fayette 

Franklin:  Franklin 

Heart of the Valley:  Gallia & Meigs 

GMN Tri-County:  Guernsey, Monroe & Noble 

HCCAO:  Highland 

Knox:  Knox 

JCVAI:  city of Wellston in Jackson County & Vinton County

Lawrence:  Lawrence 

Miami Valley Child Development Centers:  Montgomery, Clark, Greene, Butler & Madison 

Jane Edwards Center:  Morgan & Washington 

Muskingum:  Muskingum 

Pickaway Community Action:  Pickaway 

Pike:  Pike 

Child Development & Family Service:  Ross 

CAO:  Scioto 

Craftsmen for Kids “Mission Statement”

Craftsmen for Kids is a not-for-profit organization.  The mission of Craftsmen for Kids (CFK) is to make quality wooden learning tools, and other items, that enhance the learning abilities of preschool children.  As such, CFK primarily selects the more disadvantaged Head Start Programs in the southeastern portion of Ohio, commonly referred to as the Appalachian area.  CFK also selects some other not-for-profit agencies such as women’s shelters, adoption agencies, Ohio Women’s penal institutions, etc.

Craftsmen for Kids is dedicated to producing and delivering these items utilizing donated money for building materials. Monies are not spent on its members for such items as transportation expenses, educational items, normal workshop tools, or normal workshop expenses such as heating, cooling, and electrical.

To ensure the safety of the items CFK makes, they are tested and certified to comply with the standards established by the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) of the USA.

Craftsmen for Kids is a 501(c)(3) devoted to benefiting Head Start programs in Ohio. CFK consists of folks who want to make a difference in the lives of children. There are no financial costs. The learning tools, fun and play items are donated to Head Starts, and use them as in-kind giving.